Add support for IndexNow
Kurt Uhlir
Add support for submitting URLs to IndexNow.
I know there is a feature request for support for Bing, Yandex, and Naver, but each of those may be solved from working inside the individual search consoles similar to how GSC currently works. Supporting IndexNow would require that we add our API key into urlmonitor and would support those search eninges as well as DuckDuckGo from a additional path towards indexing.
It is advisable to divide by search engines so that you can choose indexing in Yandex or Bing or both at once.
Kurt Uhlir
It would be nice to have direct API integration for Bing and Yandex, but I'd still like to see IndexNow directly as an option and to reduce the level of effort on the urlmonitor team.
Bing, Yandex, Naver (a popular search engine in South Korea), (a Czech search engine), and Yep (the new search engine that ahrefs is creating) all pull from IndexNow. Index now is 1x the work. Supporting all (Yep doesn't even have a direct API) would be 5x - 8x the work especially considering the additional UX in the backend.