
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


  • small bug that was blocking performance summary issues at the URL level on 15% of sites.
  • Introducing an improved and new version of our white label reporting.
  • Now available in our 1st version of drip indexing.
  • The stats for sites that have over 15k pages are loaded from the pre-generated set
  • The pages now load the data for the table after initially loading the page with skeletons
  • Users team attributes data is now bundled into the User Model
  • Combined multiple queries that were happening into singular queries.
  • e.g. Instead of fetching Inspection results, analytics and pages individually they are now a singular more complex query
  • After the performance boost, we had a small bug with the Filter Page results leading to a 500 error. This is now fixed.
  • A fix deployed to streamline the process of USERs information.
  • Adding a cache element to processing USER jobs actions in the dashboard. This should lead to a much needed performance boost fix.
  • force delay on sitemap jobs to reduce rate limits
  • checking account status when not returning a stripe subscription
  • We released a patch this morning to fix the 404 errors on the sitemaps and sites.
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